In Anyone Else's Shoes Read online

Page 6

  ‘Can you believe that?’ Alyssa snapped out the words as she entered her office.

  ‘Believe what?’ Emma replied, seemingly oblivious.

  ‘The little fucker is sending me home. He wants me to think about things.’

  ‘Actually, yeah, I can believe it, sweetie. He didn’t terminate you, right?’

  ‘No, but he’s one tough son of a bitch. I’m supposed to read the entire Untamed Soles management manual tonight, and then call him tomorrow. What a hard-ass … I think I might be even more attracted to him now.’

  ‘You are one strange puppy, Miss Alyssa. My advice? Lay off the boys tonight, and do your homework. Wait – maybe I shouldn’t have put it that way.’

  ‘Ha-ha. I hear you, Em-Em. Good luck with whatever it is he wants to talk to you about. I’ll leave you two alone.’ Alyssa gathered her purse, started to leave, then turned in her tracks to face her friend. ‘I just realised – my little Em-Em probably doesn’t need good luck tonight. I’ll want details tomorrow, hon, details!’

  Emma almost hated it when Alyssa was right about something, but she was afraid her friend had nailed this one on the head. She was sure Jason’s agenda had everything to do with her, and nothing to do with shoes. He would ask her again to move in with him, or he would tell her again that he wasn’t giving up hope. She needed a planned response to anything he might ask, or anything that might come up. Otherwise, emotions might get in the way.

  She peeked out the office door and watched him tote a ladder to the middle of the sales floor, the fabric of his shirtsleeves overtaxed from his flexing biceps. That is one gorgeous man, she thought. Maybe it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to start a little something with him, Emma thought. He’s so yummy hot, so young, so shy with women, why not climb aboard for an evening? She considered worst case scenarios, should she decide to take this leap. Maybe she wouldn’t be able to work with the man any more, and she’d have to quit her job. Or, maybe he wouldn’t be able to work with her, and she’d quickly be on unemployment. Either way, it wasn’t so bad. Just days earlier, she had considered quitting to pursue something with more potential. It wasn’t like the Tucson job included a promotion and a bag full of bucks, at least not right away.

  Emma stepped out of Alyssa’s office, and headed straight for the man on the ladder.

  ‘Oh good, you’re here. Could you hand me one of those clasps from that bag, please? The whole thing fell while I was straightening this signage.’ Jason pointed to a small paper sack lying on the floor.

  Emma had to climb the first step of the ladder to relay the hardware to Jason. He reached down, and she stretched up to make the transfer. She had one foot off the ground when he smiled his thanks, and a rush of heat streamed low through her belly. He turned to continue his work, and she was suddenly unable to move. Her gaze fixed on Jason’s perfectly shaped, impossibly tempting ass, which hovered just a few rungs above her. As he extended his arms to work the sign, his butt shifted slightly – flawless, taut bubbles of paradise begging attention. His amazing ass was in her face, etching its profile onto the prurient reaches of her mind. She started to reach up with one hand, desperate to feel, squeeze, explore, grope his bottom, but stopped herself before things got messy. She was grateful that her ability to think clearly had somehow returned.

  ‘Can I help you with that?’ Emma asked, swallowing hard as she looked up at him.

  ‘Almost done, thanks. I can only imagine the business we’d do out of this store, if it were yours.’

  ‘No thanks. I mean, I know you’re only joking, but I …’

  ‘Listen, I want to talk to you about something. Have you eaten yet?’

  ‘I’m starving, actually.’

  ‘Good – let’s grab a bite. Why don’t I drive, then bring you back for your car after dinner?’

  Emma agreed to the meal, and then stole peeks at Jason as he folded the ladder together and carried it to the stockroom. She imagined him climbing something else a little later.

  ‘Here you are – a Grey Goose and soda for the lady, and a Patrón on the rocks for the gentleman. Your dinners will be out shortly. May I get you anything else in the meantime?’

  ‘We’re good, I believe – right, Emma?’ Jason smiled as he gestured across the table.

  ‘Sure. Thanks.’ Emma shifted in her seat, wondering when Jason might ditch his bashfulness around women and get to the good stuff. Maybe after his drink?

  ‘So, Ms Green, I’ve got something I’d like to ask. Now, I know we’ve gone down this road before, but things have changed. Before you give me an answer, I want you to allow me to present my case, front to back – deal?’

  Front, back – both, please! ‘Deal.’

  ‘I’m withdrawing my offer of Tucson. I don’t think that’s the best place for you.’

  ‘Why?’ Where did that come from?

  ‘I’ve been giving it a lot of thought. It’s not fair for me to ask you to pick up your life and move to a smaller market. I think Tucson will work for us, but if it doesn’t … Anyway, it’s not the right move for you.’

  Emma drew a long sip from her vodka-soda. ‘I told you I was good with the move. I – I’m ready for a change, Jason. Whether it’s a new city, a new job – I’m ready.’

  ‘I know. That’s why I wanted to offer you something better – something I hope you’ll say yes to.’

  ‘I don’t think that moving in with you …’

  ‘Emma, Emma, please. I want you to be our new buyer for the Southwest region. You’re perfect for the job. I love the way you run your business. I love your loyalty, your enthusiasm, your intelligence … I love how you come to your friend’s rescue.’

  ‘Really? You’re offering me a buyer’s position?’

  ‘Yep. It’s a big job, Emma. It could be a bit stressful on occasion, but I know you can handle it.’

  ‘Wow, I’m not sure what to say.’

  ‘Say you’ll take it! Of course, I’m sure you have some questions – right?’

  The tumbler of vodka and soda didn’t stand a chance. Emma wanted to stay calm, and she wanted to act professional. But her hand simply had to take a swipe at the innocent drink perched presumably out of harm’s way near the centre of the table. Faces flushed, wait staff scurried, and soon, all was back as it had been.

  ‘What’s the timetable for starting, Jason? I mean, I would have to move to Vegas, and I’d need some time to wrap up my … affairs here.’

  ‘First of the month. But I wouldn’t have submitted your name for this position if it meant relocating you to corporate. You’ll need to travel – a lot – to market and corporate, and occasionally to stores in your region, but you’ll be based here. There’s no need to move. Is that OK?’

  ‘That’s … phenomenal! I guess I don’t really even have to think about it, Jason. I wasn’t expecting this.’

  ‘Good – it’s settled then. By the way, since you’re not asking, I guess I’ll just tell you. The job pays double what you’re earning now. Don’t even think about trying to negotiate.’

  ‘I don’t know how to thank you. I’m overwhelmed, to say the least.’

  Emma was hoping that she would be able to express her gratitude later. But Jason had been all business the entire evening. He hadn’t exhibited even a hint of the reticence or bashfulness that defined his inability to communicate with a woman who’d captured his interest. She began to think her previous rejections of his advances had taken hold, and that maybe her opportunity to be with him had passed. Just as well, she thought. Although her position in the company had changed, he would still be her boss; sex would only complicate things and make everything a bit … stickier. Besides, she did prefer her men a bit more confident – a bit more … aggressive. Emma took her win and tucked it in her pocket. Her win-win would just have to wait for another time.

  The drink, the Jag, the promotion – Emma wasn’t sure which was responsible for the warm vibe swirling through her body. They were almost back to Alyssa’s stor
e, where Emma had left her car. Ever the gentleman, Jason had offered to drive her home and then retrieve her in the morning, but she insisted she was fine with their original plan. She glanced over at him and mentally licked her lips, wishing things could have been a little different. She refused to allow the phrase “if only” to enter her thoughts. It had been a good night – a great night – and she didn’t want to tarnish it with pointless notions.

  When they arrived at the store, Emma realised her car keys weren’t in her purse. After a minute’s worth of panic she remembered she had left them atop Alyssa’s desk, amidst the chaotic clutter that perfectly articulated the essence of her friend.

  Jason unlocked the door and held it open for Emma, then accompanied her to retrieve her keys. Scattered slices of light guided the pair through a veiled web of displays and couches, easing their trek to the back of the store. Emma nudged open the door to Alyssa’s office, fingers fumbling across the wall in search of a light switch. While she attempted to illuminate the room, Jason edged ahead and bowed over the desk, seeking her keys. Within a few seconds they were in his hands, and he held them up into a speck of light for Emma to see. She stopped her search for the switch and reached towards Jason – across the room, and into the glow.

  Chapter Seven

  Jason extended his hand towards Emma, her car keys pinched between his thumb and forefinger. The space between the two slowly narrowed as Emma inched forward, stretching her arm out to his. Jason released the weighty, metal chain with its tangle of weathered charms and frayed lanyards of purple and pink, and let it slide into her hand. Something was happening, but Emma wasn’t sure what it was. In the dimly lit quiet of the sleeping store, this simple exchange of keys meant something more – something of fuzzy significance.

  ‘Thank you again for the promotion, Jason. I can’t tell you what this means to me.’

  ‘I’ll tell you one more time, Emma; I would not have offered you the position, if it weren’t deserved. You’re actually doing me … us, a big favour by accepting. The more quality people Untamed Soles employs in key positions, the more successful we’ll become. I should be thanking you. Congratulations.’

  Jason offered Emma his hand – not as a gesture of affection, but in a customary, business ritual kind of way. She reached for it, and with an unsettled, unsure grip, went through the motions. She wasn’t expecting this. Maybe he had accepted the notion of them as nothing more than a business team. Maybe that’s what he actually wanted, she thought.

  Emma needed to reach out beyond a handshake. Even if they were exclusively business now, they’d already crossed some thresholds that could never be erased – at least in her mind. She released her hand from his and moved closer, arms spread wide. If nothing else, she wanted him to know that they could still be more than handshakes and coffee. Their embrace was pleasant and business-like – nothing more.

  ‘You earned this promotion, Emma. I won’t say it again. It had absolutely nothing to do with my … personal feelings for you. OK?’ Jason stepped away, a guarded distance from her, and she saw it, noticed it again. His eyes broke from hers, and without moving his legs he started wandering, his gaze shifting from the floor to a wall, and then back. She wanted to tell him that it was OK, that she wasn’t to be feared – ever. But she could sense the other side of him return – the shy, holding out hope side. A thin smile broke across her face.


  ‘I do care for you very much. You know that, right?’ He looked above her face when he spoke, brushing her hair with his eyes. ‘And I still would like to know you better.’

  Emma didn’t want to let this offer slip. She reached for him with outstretched, yearning hands, and pulled him to her. With arms wrapped around his waist and eyes lost in the lusty stubble of his cheeks, she closed in to nuzzle his neck. She pulled away after a minute to gaze into the glimmering, russet windows of his soul, hoping to glimpse the truth.

  He lowered his head and she lifted hers. Their lips touched softly, carefully testing the waters. They broke apart again and stood silently, breathing each other in, wondering what the other had in mind.

  ‘What if you followed me home?’ Emma asked with narrowed, begging eyes.

  ‘What if?’ Jason replied. His inhibitions seemed to disappear with his question. He was seduced by her – not by a wall, or the floor.

  ‘I think I’d invite you to come up to my room – maybe.’

  ‘I don’t suppose you have any etchings you’d like me to see?’

  ‘Why? Are you a fan of the arts?’

  ‘I like some things … Can I ask you something?’


  ‘You and Ty.’

  ‘That’s not a question. And Ty’s not my boyfriend, if that’s what you’re wondering.’

  ‘What do you think?’

  ‘I think you’re asking for all cards on the table, mister. Will I get to see your hand as well?’

  ‘I’d be happy to show you my hand, Emma … I’m not so sure you’ll want to see it, though.’

  Emma’s mind stumbled like it had strapped on a pair of four-inch heels. She looked hard into Jason’s expressive, amber eyes, searching for the meaning behind his words. She hadn’t considered that he might have a hand to show, a background to reveal, a life beyond what she had selfishly assigned him in her fantasies. But he did. And she wanted, she needed, to see this hand of his.

  ‘OK – I’ll go first then. Ty’s my roommate – you know that. He used to be my boyfriend, but everything slowly disintegrated. Somehow, I guess because our relationship fell apart little by little instead of with one giant swing of an axe, we were able to remain friends – and roommates. Neither one of us has yet to move on, at least romantically speaking – although, if he could figure out a way to have a sexual affair with his business, I wouldn’t put it past him. I don’t know – I care for Ty a lot, I suppose. We care for each other. But that’s as far as it goes.’

  Emma waited for a response, an exposed hand … a shoe to fall. There was something that he was willing to reveal, and she was ready for it.

  Jason seemed deep in thought. His hands slid from Emma’s shoulders as he took her in with his surveying gaze. He reached for one of her hands with both of his, and it disappeared, huddled between broad palms and splayed fingers. He pressed tight with his strong hands, massaging the soft skin from her fingertips to her wrist, and she looked up at him, waiting.

  ‘Well?’ She swallowed, bracing herself for anything.

  ‘Come – let’s sit.’ Jason led Emma to one of the black leather couches angled across the darkened sales floor. He lifted her, then placed her – as if she were a decorative cushion – at one end. He sat close, running warm fingers through her walnut-brown locks. ‘I love spending time with you, Emma. I love how you make me feel.’ He continued to stroke her hair while stroking her ego. ‘Your eyes, your hair, your sweet personality, and yes, your adorable little figure – I love it all, I … want it all.’

  Emma soaked up every word, watching each one pour from his mouth. But was this the hand he was hesitant to show? He’d already professed his desire for her before now. This wasn’t news. She could listen to him talk like this all day, but his so-called “confession” was leaving her feeling a little short-changed. She wished he was stronger, less timid, like Ty, but she understood that perhaps that was something that might only materialise with age.

  ‘Come live with me, Emma.’ His eyes were locked on hers, and they weren’t going anywhere. ‘You want to get a fresh start, and I want to …’ Jason broke his gaze, his face falling to his chest.

  ‘I can’t, Jason. Maybe … maybe down the road – who knows? But I’m not sure we’re right for each other – not now.’ Emma’s hands found his hair, and she caressed the soft strands between her fingers. He had it all, she thought. Her mouth watered – her whole body watered – just looking at him. But he was always at her feet, always yielding to her. Sometimes … she just wanted to be taken.

Jason brought his lips to hers, and his tongue bumped against her teeth, begging for entry. Emma let him in, and they kissed softly, quietly. He sat up, and she could see a blazing passion in his eyes she had not seen before.

  Without speaking, Jason unbuttoned his shirt – almost as if he was about to do something dirty and he wanted it out of the way. Then, he reached down and, with single-minded focus, began to unbutton hers.

  Nonplussed, Emma remained quiet as he worked slowly, diligently. From her neck to her belly a narrow path of skin was now exposed to the shadows – exposed to him. His gaze followed the trail from the button of her pants up to her eyes, and he lingered there, waiting. Emma wasn’t sure what he wanted, or what he was waiting for, but she assumed it was her turn to unbutton, or remove, something.

  Jason kept waiting, staring, and smiling, until Emma understood his unspoken request. But she wasn’t about to remove her own blouse. He could do that for her, if he wanted – if he could screw up the nerve. Instead, she stripped him of his teasing, yawning shirt, her hands daring to caress inches of hard flesh along the way. He was naked from the waist up, and she didn’t stop exploring with her hands, or her eyes. Her fingers traced his small, hard nipples and then pressed firmly against the well-defined rise of his chest. His abs were foothills, rippling slowly below the high ground. She clenched her thighs tight, intensifying her pleasure, her wetness. Then he took over.

  Jason reached inside Emma’s blouse below her breasts, and, with his hands bracing her back, lifted her, until he could push the top off, and away. She was revealed to him, and he wasted no time lowering his face to her. He had become energised – the blaze of passion now an inferno of lust. He cupped her breasts with strong hands, his thumbs kneading the fleshy bottoms with a measured pulse. His lips planted soft kisses on her firm nipples, and then the kisses became licks, and he sucked in the tips and devoured them like hard candies. He worked her over until she thought she would explode. She ached for him to shift lower. She needed him, something – anything – inside her. He moved his face inches from hers and peered deep into her feverish eyes.